If you are not into prowling eBay or vintage shops for designer bags and accessories for whatever reason, then consignment and resale sites may be what you need. Of the ones below, I have used Naughtipidginsnest, bag boudoir and Vestiaire Collective. You can sell and buy, as well as trade and exchange bags on Naughtipidginsnest and bag boudoir.
- situated in the UK, Shian used to sell on eBay but moved to her own site after rising fees and increasing problems with non-payers on eBay. She will keep an eye out for bags you want (at the moment I have a Mulberry Oak Phoebe and an Annie in the same colour on my list with her). She is about to make her 5000th sale! Shian’s descriptions are spot-on and her photographs are excellent. She sells organisers and wallets as well so if you are looking for luxe binders at a lighter price, this is the place. She loves handbags and is good at communicating with her customers and potential customers.
- This is where I bought my Mulberry Luella Giselle. Situated in the UK, they offer fantastic service and communication, quick shipping and bags that are utterly pristine. My Giselle was absolutely perfect.
- Situated in France, Vestiare Collective has a huge range and high turnover of items. I have bought YSL Arty rings from here and they have all been just as described, brand new and authentic. You can set searches for items so you are notified as soon as said item hits the shelves. If you become a Premium member you have access to items before they go onto the shelves.
- This site I have not used but it has been recommended to me by several people. They have an especially nice section with wallets and high-end organisers by brands such as Hermés, Gucci, Louis Vuitton.